Simulation-Game Approach in Teaching Students and Future Managers
Sergey Agafonov, DGTU (Russian Federation)
The Manager's activity involves managing a company or enterprise by performing the functions of planning, organization, coordination, motivation, and control, and the originality of the tasks they solve assumes the creative nature of the profession. However, traditional methods of teaching at the University are mainly based on the memory of students and future managers and do not sufficiently activate the imagination, thinking and other mental processes that are important for the development of creative activity.
In this context, the use of a simulation-game approach in training will not only ensure the development of professionally important qualities of a Manager, but also allow students to acquire initial experience in managerial work. The purpose of the study is to develop and experimentally test the effectiveness of the training methodology for students, future managers, based on simulation-game modeling of professional behavior of the Manager in the conditions of academic classes in physical culture.
One of the main elements of the developed technique is a model-matrix program for the development of professionally important qualities and abilities of the Manager, which involves the purposeful selection of simulation and gaming forms of training in the form of performing specific functional role (designer, planner, organizer, coordinator, administrator, controller, judge) in the course of studying..
To test the effectiveness of the developed method on the basis of simulated game activity, a formative pedagogical experiment was conducted during 10 months (September – June) of one school year. It was attended by 30 students, future managers, who were part of the control (n-15) and experimental (n-15) groups.
Expert evaluation of the total indicators of professionally important qualities and abilities of the Manager (personal, business, functional and role) at the end of the experiment showed a significant superiority of students from the experimental group over classmates from the control group.
Thus, the developed method of training students, future managers, based on the simulation-game approach allows you to achieve more significant positive changes in the level of development of important qualities for the effective professional activity of the Manager.
Keywords: simulation-game approach, professionally important qualities, students, future managers.