Outcomes and Perspectives of the European Project TESI in the Benefit of People with Verbal Impairments
Gabriela-Eugenia Iacobescu, University of Craiova (Romania)
Four European universities, three schools and one association cooperated in order to develop a new and innovative application for mobile devices in the benefit of people with communication disabilities. This work was founded by the European Commission as an ERASMUS + project, Key Action 3: Support for Policy Reform - Education, Training and Youth, with the title “TESI - Adaptive Personalized System for Creating Expression Tools in Social Inclusion of Learners and Verbal Communication Disabilities”. The application consists mainly in a conversation tool using images, but it is also possible to design instruction sequences for the everyday routines in the benefit of people with associated disabilities as autism and autism spectrum disorder, cerebral paralysis, Down syndrome, Cri du chat syndrome, ADHD syndrome, Dandy-Walker syndrome, microcephaly, muscular dystrophy, etc. The application includes a template base core that can be further developed in order to adapt to a specific user case. There is a team formed by parents, teachers, tutors and educators working to collect a large database of images, and then to select the proper data for each user. The application is user friendly also by inexperienced operators, no training is necessary before.
Acknowledgement: This work is supported by the ERASMUS+ KA3 Project: No. 592177-EPP-1-2017-1-BG-EPPKA3-IPI-SOC-IN.
Keywords: Mobile application, communication disorders, children with disabilities, refugies.
[1] Iacobescu, G. E., Pavlov, N. V. (2019) TESI model – Assistive communication tool for people with reading, writing and verbal communication difficulties, INTED2019, Valencia, Spain.
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[4] Iacobescu, G. E. (2019) TESI - mobile application for education and social inclusion of people with communication difficulties, ICERI2019, Seville, Spain.
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