The Promotion of Self-Reflection in Students in Online Education: The Use of Exam Wrapper
Maria de Fátima Goulão, Universidade Aberta (Portugal)
The ability to self-regulate learning is an important factor in this process. The student must be capable to analyze his learning path and know how to adapt his strategies to the characteristics of the task to achieve success. The Exams Wrappers are a way for the teacher to help the student in this reflection and, also, to help the teacher in the adequacy of his feedback in the face of the presented needs. It was our goal to learn about the strategies used by a group of students to prepare an assessment test. Also, their perception of the grade they will have, as well as, intend to guide their study. It was also our goal to find out what other forms they plan to introduce for the next evaluation. 67 students were part of our sample, 76.1% female and 23.9% male. Their average age is 37.66 (SD = 7.829). For the collection of data, an Exam Wrappers was built to be used immediately after the delivery of the 1st evaluation work. Regarding the results, from the list of strategies indicated, the one that stands out with the highest percentage was the reading of the texts of the UC. The one that reaped the lowest percentage was studying in a group or with a friend. These students indicate that they used, on average, about 12.7 hours to prepare themselves to the evaluation moment, with 8 hours being the most referenced value. They also indicate that, on average, they expect to obtain 2.8 values, with fashion being 3 values. Regarding their perception of self-reflection, there was a high consensus regarding promotion to help study habits. The same level of consensus was reached regarding the use of this methodology in other curricular units. Finally, the perception that this type of methodology helps to achieve better results, although high is the one that presents the greatest dispersion of results. Our results also point to a positive and significant correlation (95%) between the number of hours of study and the classification they hope to obtain. When faced with the question of what they think it should change, the answers focus very much on the question of time — increase, manage, program. In other strategies, the focus is on the need to go beyond the materials available in the course, either by consulting new materials or by working on them through abstracts, schemes or concept maps. In conclusion, from the responses obtained, it was found that students understood the purpose of this reflection and that from this they were able to perceive some aspects that should be considered at another time of evaluation. This leads us to believe that this induced self-reflection produced the expected results.
Keywords: Online learning, adult students, Learning self-regulation, metacognition.