Drama-Linguistics Based Story Narration for Young Learners
Dönercan Dönük, Mersin University (Turkey)
The digital age has introduced different learning styles and strategies that can be employed via ICT tools (Prensky, 2001). In this sense, the impact of these learning mechanisms can be seen in all walks of life, including language learning. This paper aims to describe an applied and tested course design that is based on drama in the form of games narrated as stories with the help of a computer and the internet. These games take their strength from linguistics which provides support for the discourse to be utilized in a context. Besides, the way stories told in the narrative form are sure to offer a story line and recurring vocabulary that enable the use of drama in language courses. The design makes a bridge between vocabulary, grammar and language functions which integrate the four skills in an authentic context for language teaching. In this way, integrative CALL, padded through linguistics, is facilitated as the language learning platform; drama helps as a tool to narrate the stories, and ICT and other web 2.0 tools enhance the impact of these stories through the audio-visual effects.
Keywords: ICT, web.2.0, linguistics, story narration, young learners, drama.
[1] Prensky, M. (2001). Digital natives, digital immigrants part 1. On the horizon, 9(5), 1-6.