Instructional Technology-Supported Undergraduate Physics Courses
Nilüfer Didiş Körhasan, Zonguldak Bülent Ecevit University (Turkey)
One of the instructional technologies recently used in physics classrooms is web-based electronic response system. During the instruction, physics questions are posed to students by means of this technology and no matter the question type- either closed or open-ended- students also provide their answers to the questions in this way. It has several advantages for instructors and students such as giving instant feedback and evaluating learning, promoting collaborative work, and increasing motivation. This study focuses on the integration of web-based technology into collaborative work in different undergraduate physics courses such as mechanics, electromagnetism and quantum physics and it presents the examples of students’ conceptual learning, knowledge construction and problem solving in different implementations. In addition, it also reflects students’ personal experiences and ideas about the benefits of instruction.
Acknowledgments: This study is supported by Zonguldak Bülent Ecevit University and Turkish Academy of Sciences (TÜBA).
Keywords: Science education, physics education, instructional technology, web-based electronic response system.