The Future of Education

Edition 15

Accepted Abstracts

Data Driven Pedagogy for Future-Oriented Education: Transforming Teaching

Olga Fiofanova Aleksandrovna, Russian Academy of Education (Russian Federation)


The development of big-data, smart-data, blockchain, digital portfolio technologies initiates the transformation of systems and tools for assessing students' educational results, and also leads to a change in electronic educational platforms and digital educational data analysis services. A new scientific direction is developing - “Pedagogy based on data” (Data Driven Pedagogy). The countries of the world are developing digital educational platforms, digital educational data services and advanced technology smart big-data. Object of study: a) data and traditional results of assessment (state exams), b) new types of literacy (competences of the 21st century), and digital traces independently generated by schoolchildren (choice of content, methods of solution, research or project, etc.). In our study “Methodology for the analysis of bulk data in education and its integration into training programs for teachers and heads of educational institutions in the logic “Data Driven Pedagogy”, “Data Management in education” of grant No.19-29-14016-mk from Russian Foundation for Basic Research the following results were achieved:

  1. The principles, methods and technologies for the analysis of educational data have been developed[1];
  2. Conceptually substantiated a new area of pedagogical knowledge “Data Driven Pedagogy”[1];
  3. Professional development programs for teachers and heads of educational organizations “Data Driven Pedagogy”,“Data Management in education”[2] have been developed;
  4. An international analysis of national electronic educational platforms in the countries of the world, the institutional capabilities and problems of the use and interpretation of educational data[3];
  5. An international analysis of the national databases of educational statistics of educational statistics on digital open data platforms was carried out.

The methodology and technology for the analysis of educational data in the concept of "Data-based Pedagogy" (Data Driven Pedagogy) is based on a group of methods:

  • Methods for predicting the value of a quantity of interest by predictor values.
  • Structure discovery methods reveal the structure, clustering algorithms in the educational data.
  • Relationship mining methods establish relationships between variables in a data set with a large number of variables.

The development of professional competencies of teachers regarding the application of these methods of analysis of educational data allows teachers to be introduced to the culture of analysis of educational data and to solve the problems of hermeneutics of a new childhood (understanding of the personality of students by the teacher), the tasks of improving the quality of educational results (understanding of the basis of educational success of students by the teacher), the tasks of effective development management educational techniques, educational platforms and digital services.

Keywords: advanced technology smart big-data, educational data analysis methodology, cognitive tutoring based analysis of educational data, data driven pedagogy.

[1] Fiofanova O.A. Big Data in Russian Education: Data Analysis Methods in Education and Human Development, Digital Data Services. Materials of the international conference "Digital Society"
[2] Fiofanova O.A. Big Data Education. Сontinuing education program
[3] Fiofanova O.A., Bokova T.N., Мorozova V.I. International Comparative Analysis of National State Electronic Educational Plutforms for School Children. Revista Inclusiones, №7, 2020.

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