The Necessity of Learning Litigation Procedure in the High School
Ekaterina Petrovna Rusakova, RUDN University (Russian Federation)
Ocaqli Ulvi, RUDN University (Russian Federation)
The learning procedure keeps the graph with the developing line, starting with the evolution from childhood to adolescence. Learning and development are different understandings in the English language; however, the aim of both word definitions takes us to the same result. Nevertheless, learning is an ability that comes from birth. However, development is a continuous step of the learning procedure and eventually - a skill. Taking into consideration that humankind adores developing under control of third parties, analysis should take its root from the beginning of learning procedure and development. Under most civil law countries legislation, the state has an essential duty to establish a healthy atmosphere for children to gain essential skills in various subjects at schools. Nevertheless, if we change the sphere from technical subjects to more classified one, moreover to load the legal skills to children on the frame of understanding general legal education, litigation procedure and representation, which outcomes will we meet? The authors intend to handle the first important parts of litigation procedure which can be taught at schools, to be more exact on the matter, the touched points are about finding proper definition and simplification of civil litigation procedure as training material for school listeners since basics of civil law are hidden at every subject that is taught at school. The abstract is based on research and in-depth analyses of overall school children's capacity of learning; however, bearing in mind that it could be tough for them to comprehend whole training at first glance.
Keywords: litigation procedure, steps of litigation, civil law.
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