Sharing is Caring: A Proposal for the Development of Shared, Semi-Autonomous, Mobile FabLabs to Overcome Obstacles in STEAM Education
Thorsten Lomker, Zayed University (United Arab Emirates)
Katharina Richter, Zayed University (United Arab Emirates)
This research originates from previous studies addressing challenges in STEAM education, respectively a lack of knowledge in sciences and mathematics, but also in technology usage and creative skills (Lomker and Richter, 2019). We encounter these deficits in university education but are confident that the source of the problem lies in primary and secondary school education. Therefore, we propose a methodology based on the development of novel digital fabrication laboratories, that intend to assist schools to overcome the obstacles associated with STEAM education, due to a lack of technological resources, knowledge, facilities, and appropriate curricular methods. Our previous research already demonstrated the immense effect of digital fabrication technologies onto the ability of undergraduate university students to cope with STEAM related topics. Without a doubt have we seen a very positive impact of these technologies onto the quality of their works, but we also observed a very positive change in their self-esteem, as well as a more positive attitude toward learning. However, the integration of the methodology as a guarantor for successful university STEAM education simply happens too late in time. To be at the forefront of technological advancement, the integration must occur during school education, and must start as early as primary school, with a focus indeed in secondary school. This is challenging since in most cases the regular curriculum is not designed to cater knowledge transfer in these areas, the schools cannot afford the necessary infrastructure, and schoolteachers are not qualified to teach in these domains. Our proposal addresses these issues by changing the way knowledge is transferred (blended and extracurricular instead of frontal instruction) in a non-standard classroom environment with an emphasis on “making”. By giving many schools access to mobile hi-tech manufacturing devices situated in a mobile building, that come at zero investment costs for the schools, and at low investment costs for the ministries with a maximum degree of capacity utilization, and by integrating pedagogical approaches that are supported by new algorithms for autonomous, mobile learning.
Keywords: STEAM Education, Digital Fabrication, Semi-Autonomous Learning
[1] Lomker, T. & Richter, K. (2018). Challenges of Using Digital Fabrication Techniques for Design Education in Countries with Developing Educational Level, International Conference The Future of Education, Florence, Italy