Perspectives on the Application of Social Media to Teaching and Learning in Higher Education across the UK Business Schools
Zahra Fazeli, University of Brighton (United Kingdom)
Carmen Lopez, University of Southampton (United Kingdom)
It is significant today to integrate social media tools into teaching and learning in higher education. Several studies showing the powerful influence of social media on learning (e.g., Manca & Ranieri, 2016; Dogan & Gulbahar, 2018). However, studies at a national level in terms of the actual use and challenges of implementing the appropriate tools are rare. Hence, the purpose of this study is to investigate students’ perspectives towards social media and its challenges and applicability to the UK Business Schools. Data are collected from 600 undergraduate students across the UK Business Schools. The findings can be widely applicable to the UK Business Schools, as academics can learn and improve the process of teaching and learning practices, enhance students’ engagement in subjects, and develop blended learning. Moreover, other educational organisations such as schools, colleges and institutions (national and international) from the same or different disciplines can learn from these findings either being at early or developed stages of implementing social media in their practice.
Keywords: social media, virtual learning, higher education, undersgraduate students.
[1] Manca, S. & Ranieri, M. (2016). Facebook and the others. Potentials and obstacles of Social Media for teaching in higher education. Computers & Education, Vol. 95, p216-230.
[2] Dogan, D. & Gulbahar, Y. (2018). Using Facebook as Social Learning Environment. Informatics in Education, Vol. 17, No. 2, p207–228.