Generative Model for Cyber Ethical Issues in Education
Stoyan Denchev, University of Library Studies and Information Technologies (Bulgaria)
Tereza Trencheva, University of Library Studies and Information Technologies (Bulgaria)
Mariyana Nikolova, University of Library Studies and Information Technologies (Bulgaria)
Svetoslava Dimitrova, University of Library Studies and Information Technologies (Bulgaria)
Introduction: The development of social networks has demonstrated very clearly the synergetic effect of combining information and communication technologies illustrating their enormous impact on the modern society, which we now call information. The characteristic features of this information society are many and those that most significantly distinguish its virtual nature include abstractions such as independence of distance and location. At the same time, along with the positive nature of the information society in its rapid development, the bad aspects and expressions emerge of an increasingly complete emanation of real life in the virtual, cybernetic dimension. Instances emerge of social polarization and exclusion, new virtual cultures with low and even negative contributions. In this regard, questions arise concerning the ethical behavior of participants in the cyber dimension of current and future social development. We will not attempt to define the term cyber ethics here because it is essentially no different from the philosophical concept of ethics. The only difference is only in its scope of cyber space with all its natural peculiarities.
The paper aims: In the presented research, we draw upon the view that cyber ethics should give us an orientation as to what is right or wrong, good or bad, based on different subjective feelings, understandings, values, virtues and legal norms. It is clear that in the current social practice, ethical expressions have a marked cyber aspect. In essence, this is a prerequisite for paying particular attention to ethical issues in university education.
Goal and Objectives: The aim of this research is to create and propose a conceptual generative model for training in Ethics in a cyber university environment. The application of various information and knowledge technologies such as artificial intelligence (in medicine), social media in public relations, methods of accessing databases related to elections, recognition technologies in security, multimedia technologies in the digitalization of cultural values, definitively share the specific objectives of this project.
Methodology: The research methodology chosen best corresponds to the type of scientific work. The so-called Architectural Approach forms the main contemporary toolbox of modern change. This methodology is natural in such cases and can respond to the intended and carried out scientific and applied research.
Conclusion: Cyber ethics, as an emanation of ethics in the virtual cyber space, should also be considered in relation to current social practices. All technological, political, economic, etc. processes that involve a cyber-related component should be evaluated in their ethical aspect with respect to their total positive or negative impact on society.