Creation of Relevant Edutainment Scenarios for Language Performance through Learning Games
Lizandro Becerra Valderrama, LIDILEM Laboratory - Grenoble Alpes University (France)
Our focus is on the design, development and experience of video games for language learning. Such games are related to learning games [1]. The objective of our project was to design and develop a didactic system through the integration of an edutainment model [2]. This model is designed for language learning and is based on alternate reality games. We adopted it because of its suitability for language learning. As a result, our system is composed of a first scenario corresponding to a pedagogical sequence of language learning; and a second scenario corresponding to a moment of language performance with the learning game. Our system is designed according to the second language needs of the learner (Spanish as a second language) in French public schools. Dictation is the activity chosen for language practice in the game. Learners are between level A1 and A2 of the CEFR and the French Educational Program. The goal is to allow the learner to immerse himself in a virtual natural park of Colombia. The mission of the game is to make an inventory of species in a logbook, with a 3D exploration game, which includes a non-player character, who gives feedback to each response of the learner player. As a result, the learner-player will be able to perform the various playful actions in the game field, take pictures, free animals, listen to the information provided by the non-player character, and write it down in the logbook. Thus, we have designed a didactic system, integrating a serious game intended for language learning. As a result, we wish to question the relevance of such a language learning system. And for this, we are thinking of evaluating its relevance based on an interactionist approach of foreign language learning [4]. We started from the hypothesis that the association of the problems of language didactics, computer science, linguistics and NLP can offer solutions and operational systems for language learners. Thus, these operational systems offer a didactic added value compared to traditional systems [5]. Our aim is to experiment our first edutainment scenario for Spanish language learning, to question its relevance, the learner's autonomy and the teacher’s role.
Keywords: learning game, didactic system, edutainment scenario
[1] Alvarez, J. & Djaouti, D. (2012). Introduction au Serious game. 2e Revue et augmentée. Questions Théoriques, Paris.
[2] Schmoll, Laurence (2016). Concevoir un scénario de jeu vidéo sérieux pour l'enseignement-apprentissage des langues ou comment dominer un oxymore. Thèse. Université de Strasbourg.
[3] Chapelle, C. A. (2001). Computer applications in second language acquisition. New York : Cambridge.
[4] Antoniadis, Georges (2008). Du TAL et son apport aux systèmes d’apprentissage des langues. Contributions. LIDILEM. Université Stendhal - Grenoble 3.