How Much is Inclusive your School? Ideas from the Multinclude Project
Eleonora Pantò, Associazione DSchola (Italy)
Enrica Bricchetto, Associazione DSchola (Italy)
The Multinclude project aims to define educational inclusion policies to realize a pathway to success up to university for all students and especially those at risk of exclusion (minorities, migrants, people with disabilities, in poverty, etc).The Multinclude project collected around 70 good practices of inclusions worldwide and through an analysis process based on different theoretical framework, like inclusive excellence and super-diversity. The analysis report allows the project to identify several inclusion dimensions and the design of the multiclude inclusion matrix.
Replying to a set of questions, the inclusion matrix will return, in a visual way, the position of the school with reference to the seven inclusion dimensions (Admission and Access, Social Interaction, Student and participant support, Management, Teaching, Extra-curricular Activities and Community outreach and wider engagement, Assessment and Recognition) identified by the Multinclude project. The final objective is to engage education institutions in putting in place corrective actions.
The partners organised some workshops in the schools to explain and support the use of the multinclude inclusion matrix and the toolkits and to explore different aspects, challenges and dimensions of inclusion. The project developed a MOOC to support teachers and educators in understanding inclusion process and created a learning community for sharing materials, ideas and practises.
Keywords: inclusion, community, MOOC.