Intergenerational Education: A Proposal for the Recognition of Diversity and Social Inclusion
Inés María Muñoz-Galiano, University of Jaén (Spain)
In present-day society, characterised by the increase in life expectancy, the accelerated changes in all spheres (social, family, economic, cultural, educational, technological, etc), multiculturism and diversity, it is necessary to accept and value heterogenity as a positive factor that forms part of the social dynamic . Often, diversity, by reason of gender, race, economic status or age, is presented as a problem that affects equality of opportunity. Specifically, as Montero and Baena point out, certain historic and socio-economic changes have favoured and sometimes imposed segregation by age in the social, educational and working continuity that has relegated elderly people to the second class. From this perspective, this study seeks to make intergenerational education visible as a possibility to propomote the recognition of diversity of age and to foster it as an efficient proposal for the inclusion and social rcognition of elderly people. A review of the literature demonstrates the need for and value of intergenerational education in the framework of present-day society, and proves that intergenerational education enables diversity to be recogised and heterogenity to be valued as an enriching element.
Keywords: Intergenerational Education, diversity, social inclusión.
[1] Muñoz, I. y Montero, I. (2016). La orientación y la capacitación para la vida a través de las relaciones intergeneracionales. En A. Pantoja, C. Villanueva y N. Cantero (Coords.). III Congreso Internacional sobre Diagnóstico y Orientación. La orientación educativa en la sociedad actual (pp. 514-531). Barcelona: Fundación Universitaria Iberoamericana.
[2] Montero, I. y Baena, T. (2013). Experiencias innovadoras en el ámbito de la educación infantil en España. El valor de las relaciones intergeneracionales. Educación y ciudad, 24(enero-junio), 93-105.