St. John's University’s new New York State Registered Master of Science Degree in Cyber and Information Security
Denise Dragos, St. John’s University (United States)
Suzanna E. Schmeelk, St. John’s University (United States)
Joan E. DeBello, St. John’s University (United States)
The field of cybersecurity is expanding at an unprecedented rate. The rapid development is due in part to the ever increasing city, state, Federal, and international regulations to both the maintenance and forensics to support the privacy and security of sensitive communications and the underlying information. This paper discusses the research and statistics involved in developing a new New York State registered Master of Science degree in Cyber and Information Security at St. John’s University. The program is a 30 credit master’s program that combines cybersecurity and information science. It is designed with cybersecurity specialists, IT enterprise professionals, and data scientists in mind. The knowledge it provides can also serve the cybersecurity skill needs of the wider community of IT managers and computer professionals. Our research paper explores the courses chosen in the current program to keep-up with the pervasive nature of cyber threats. Finally, we discuss the appeal of the program to students who want to become cybersecurity specialists, change their careers or improve their skills. Finally, we discuss lessons learned from initialization of the program.
Keywords: Cyber Security, Cybersecurity, Information Security, Digital Forensics, Graduate School, Master of Science, New York State.
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