Integrating and Re-Elaborating Digital Content
Nikolin Catalina, APEB (Romania)
To succeed in the digital economy, people will need basic digital skills related to the effective use of technology, as well as soft skills necessary to ensure collaborative and effective work.
For this aim, is necessary to use old skills and technology as base. And here is about TPCKA model, that works only in the educational area, but, the schema could be adapted for new learnings.
We must reuse the old model for a new skills integration. Students and trainees with entrepreneurial/business skills are likewise important, as the mind-set help them to find opportunities to start a new business. This shows that the old mindset formed by TPCKA, as model, could be enriched and mixed with entrepreneurial/business skills and knowledges, with new aspects as bussiness virtual collaboration, or crowdfunding. Old papers about the bussiness place situation in terms of available ressources, population, ocupational trends, homemade productivity, old trade skills and developments, educational level of population, could be reused for a new development. Communication has an relevant role in thoses lockdown times. Virtual meetings help. The interesting aspect is that old skills and theories about webconferencing, tutoring, from almost 20 years ago, today are a value. Surely, to old skills we add the new capabilities of online communication tools, synchronous and asynchronous, and we could develop all easily. Also the VR mediums help, together with old Google Earth for knowing places and aspects, for implementing new bussiness models. Today virtual shops that we could build were in the past the old 2D HTML frames sites and the story continues… In the field of operating systems, the new facility tools of Word, or Powerpoint, or Excel, and browsing tools or apps, is a proof that the skills and needs are in continuous evolution. The basic ECDL or ISTE Standards for ICT use in schools, is a proof that old elements build new elements. We can not build new knowledges, skills and competencies, without using old ones, basics. The bussinesses ask the knowledge of many languages and not all people is skilled to acquire more than 2 languages. The new tools we use as translators, or AI chatbots, or voiceovers, speaking sites, vlogs, podcasts, in the past were only Dictionnaries, Atlases, Encyclopedies, and simply web tools for conferencing. The method used is that of Reflective Teaching Learning Approach and refers to the way means how the teacher and learners work in classroom as a learner centered pedagogy, think about why they do it, analyze it if it works, as self-evaluation. For assesing the results is useful a Diary Presentation, Paper writing Reports, or Journals.
Keywords: digital content, re-elaborating, integrating.
- Digital competence framework 2.0 (
- Education Pedagogy for Z Learners (
- Technological pedagogical content knowledge (