Is there any Link between Gender, Personality, Traits and Business Students’ Study Time and Attendance?
Leiv Opstad, Norwegian University of Science and Technology (Norway)
Study time and attendance rates are important factors in terms of academic outcomes. There is a considerable variation in the students’ efforts. Probably this is due to many factors.
In previous research, there is a focus on the link between academic success and personality traits (Big Five). However, few studies who have investigated in the relationship between study time, presence at the lectures and personality traits. The purpose of this article is to find out more about how gender and personal characteristics can affect students' efforts (attendance and study time) by questioning around 300 students at a business school in Norway. Results indicate a significant positive correlation between some of the personality traits (openness and conscientiousness) and study time. Females tend to study more, but the Impact was no significant. None of the variables were significantly linked to attendance. The finding is useful information when designing various teaching approach. The chosen method is ordinary linear regression model.
Keywords: quantitative analyses, business school, gender, big five, students’ effort.
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