Social Art for Social Inclusion under Special Conditions: Modification and Impact of a Theatre Approach for Promoting Employability, Entrepreneurship and Language Learning during the Pandemic
Christine Best, TU Dortmund University (Germany)
Not only traditional educational institutions such as schools and universities were faced with the problem of maintaining their teaching during the Corona Shutdown. Also, other adult and youth education institutions outside the state-run offerings that pursue alternative educational approaches had to adapt to the new circumstances in order to remain capable of acting. The planned lecture is based on the results of the Erasmus+ project "ArtE - The Art of Employability". In ArtE, approaches and effects of social art in the field of adult education were researched and successfully applied to strengthen the employability of young adults in the Mediterranean region, applying a mixture of theatre work and entrepreneurship training and, depending on the target group, also specifically addressing the improvement of language skills. The implementation of the pilot projects with young unemployed adults, some of whom have a history of flight and/or migration, in Spain, Italy and Germany coincided in part with the lockdown phases, so that access to the target group was more difficult and a permanent problem-solving process was used to respond to the constantly changing requirements. With the help of participative observation, a project diary as well as questionnaires for the self-assessment of the participants and spotlight interviews with trainers and participants, the modification of the teaching and learning processes and their effect on the participants were recorded. On the one hand, during the exclusively digital project phases, there were problems in accessing the participants, and during the real and hybrid phases, there were problems with regard to the consistency of the learning processes, as a constant number of participants dropped out due to quarantines. On the other hand, there were also clear successes for all participants in terms of their self-confidence, their self-efficacy expectations, their employability and their language skills, insofar as language challenges were present. The planned presentation will show how flexibly the alternative educational approach of social art reacts to a wide variety of problems and to what extent the effectiveness of the teaching processes does not necessarily have to be limited. In the planned lecture, the socially innovative approach of social art, which represents an alternative educational concept, will first be presented before we will show the impact of Social Art in education by presenting the results of the ex-ante and ex-post questionaires of participant groups in Italy and Spain.
Keywords: social art, social inclusion, theatre, language learning, migrant inclusion, entrepreneurship.
Best, Christine; Guhlemann, Kerstin; Argemí Guitart, Ona (2020).The Social Art of Language Acquisition: A Theatre Approach in Language Learning for Migrants and its Digitization in the Corona Lockdown;
In: SCENARIO, Band: XIV.2020, Issue 2/2021, S. 60-75,