The Teacher’s Didactic Commitment in the Opinion of Future Teachers for Primary School
Cristian Petre, ”Ovidius” University of Constanta, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sceinces (Romania)
The didactic commitment was carefully studied within a heterogeneous specialized literature: sociological, psychological, but also pedagogical. Professional engagement in educational institutions is a priority because the favorable results of learning processes appear precisely as a result of the involvement, passion and dedication with which teachers do their job. The paper proposes a theoretical analysis of the teacher's commitment, distinguishing between an organizational commitment and a didactic (teaching) commitment. The hard core of the analysis is represented by the didactic (teaching) commitment, a multi-dimensional construct that mirrors a set of behaviors specific to a good enough teacher. The investigative challenge was completed by an approach to identify the representations that teachers associate with didactic (teaching) commitment. Within a focus group with 10 teachers for primary education, an operationalization of teaching commitment was carried out, at the level of four dimensions (expertise, immediacy, motivation and care), for each dimension being identified five representative behaviors. Based on these results, a questionnaire was constructed to which 125 future teachers for primary school responded. The data obtained have the value of professional benchmarks, indicating desirable behaviors in relation to a pedagogical epistemology focused on the student and the construction of a prosocial learning environment.