Traditional learning vs blended and flipped learning combined: A comparison of effects on students
Mohammad Rayyan, 3The University of Jordan (Jordan)
Nimer Abusalim, The University of Jordan (Jordan)
Sharif Alghazo, The University of Jordan (Jordan)
This study seeks to uncover the effectiveness of blended learning with a flipped classroom design on student’s generalized self-efficacy and academic achievement in a German Grammar course. Having recently witnessed, as nearly the entire world, COVID lockdowns and the sudden need for distance education, the University of Jordan decided to broaden its blended learning program and mandate to some extent that each program must contain a percentage of courses following traditional learning, blended learning, and fully online learning for the remainder of the percentage. As a generalized suggestion, flipped classrooms were encouraged. However, the question that arises instantly is how to choose which course should be blended learning and which should not, and whether integrating flipped classrooms with blended learning would be worthwhile. Although there exists a plethora of research on comparisons between blended learning and traditional learning, very few have compared traditional learning on one hand, with a combination of blended learning and flipped classrooms together on the other hand. Very few have also focused on such variable along with their possible effects on self-efficacy. The course in question is a German Grammar undergraduate course which offered an ideal testing ground as there are two sections (one following traditional learning and the other blended learning with flipped classrooms) both taught by the same instructor. The aim is to test for student academic achievement and for improvements in generalized self-efficacy. A pre-test containing a questionnaire for generalized self-efficacy and one for course learning outcomes was conducted for both groups, and a post-test testing the same will be administered just before the final exams of this Fall 2022 semester. It is expected that student generalized self-efficacy should improve given that flipped classrooms require more student self-reliance, which is also expected to help improve student achievement as well.
Keywords |
Generalized self-efficacy, academic achievement, blended learning, flipped classrooms |
References |
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