The Future of Education

Edition 15

Accepted Abstracts

Education and re-education in and out of prison: the Sollicciano home district

Sabina Leoncini, Galileo Galilei Human Science Liceum (Italy)


This study stems from the need to reflect on the theme of social inclusion, in particular as regards the pedagogical value in the relationship between prison and the territory in the Florence area. In fact, there are many connections between the world of schools, universities, social cooperatives, cultural and voluntary associations, theater companies and the prison of Sollicciano (FI). “Criminal responsibility is personal. The defendant is not considered guilty until final conviction. The penalties cannot consist of treatments contrary to the sense of humanity and must aim at the re-education of the convict. Death penalty is not allowed.”

This is written in article 27 of the Constitution of the Italian Republic. So we talk about rehabilitation, and of course education but when we deal with it, usually the first training agency that comes to mind is school, university, family, we never think of prevention and re-education to reduce social unease and promote inclusion. The essay will take into consideration the interventions of various experts who work in the prison “world” at the training course for volunteers organized by the Pantagruel association; the interview conducted with the director of the Compagnia di Sollicciano Elisa Taddei, on the occasion of the show “Don Chichotte”; the interventions of two psychologists who led the project "Looks of reciprocity" on art in prison. The pedagogical literature that deals with this theme and some writings stored in the day care center "Attavante"in Florence; essays by a fourth grade high school. "Whoever opens the door of a school closes a prison" said Victor Hugo. But what if we start putting these realities into dialogue? We will discover that beyond the walls and fences there are stories, human beings, paths, which intertwine with what those outside imagine or hear.


Prison education, school, inclusion,



[1] Costituzione della Repubblica Italiana


[3]Legge 26 luglio 1975 n. 354 Norme sull'ordinamento penitenziario e sulla esecuzione delle misure privative e limitative della libertà

[4]Intervista dell’11/07/2022 a Elisa Taddei, regista di Don Chichotte, Sollicciano 6/7/2022

[5]Zizioli, E. (2017). Voices of immigrant women from prison. PEDAGOGIA OGGI, XV (1), 251-262

[6]Zizioli, E., Colla, E. (2016). Il diritto di rinascere nel tempo della pena: lo spazio della formazione. CQIA RIVISTA, VI (17), 63-73

[7]Mancaniello, M. La professionalità educativa in ambito penitenziario: l’Educatore e il suo ruolo pedagogico. Studi sulla Formazione: 20, 365-374, 2017-2. DOI: 10.13128/Studi_Formaz-22193 | ISSN 2036-6981 (online)


[9]Kimberly D. Phillips Dr., Kyong-Ah Kwon,The Impact of Parenting Classes on Incarcerated Mothers, Journal of prison education and reentry, Volume 7, Number 3 (2021-2022) ISSN: 2387-2306



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