The Future of Education

Edition 14

Accepted Abstracts

Social Representations of Teachers' Dropout in the French Context: an Exploratory Study

Abdelkader Benmbarek, Aix-Marseille University, Marseille, France (France)

Christine Poplimont, Aix-Marseille University, Marseille, France (France)

Grégory Lo Monaco, Aix-Marseille Universifty, adef–ea 4671 (France)


This work aims to understand the dropout from the teaching profession, the causes and the maintenance aspects that define the dropout phase as a resignation-retention situation (Carver, 2021 ; Kirsch, 2007). The present study aims to investigate the phenomenon of teacher dropout in its subjective dimension. We studied the representational content of teacher’s dropout among teachers and redefining it as a different phenomenon from the teachers’s abandonment.


Considering teacher’s dropout as an object of social representations is relevant. It is a polymorphic object, which has a stake value for teachers and induces a professional identity tension (Hanna et al., 2019). Finally, teacher’s dropout impacts other societal groups and does not represent any orthodoxy for teachers (Bonetto & Lo Monaco, 2018 ; Moliner, 1993).


256 teachers (Age = 40; 197 Women) completed two verbal association questionnaires (Moliner & Lo Monaco, 2017). The first focused on dropout causes, the second on protective and retention factors. A prototypical analysis was conducted (Lo Monaco et al., 2017) to highlight structural hypotheses related to the fields of representations studied.


The results suggest that pupils are at the heart of the aspects that protect teachers from abandonment, in addition to love and passion for teaching. On the other hand, lack of consideration, lack of resources, working conditions and difficulties related to classroom management seem to be responsible for dropout situation.


These results will eventually lead to the creation of a French diagnostic scale for teacher’s dropout. The understanding of these phenomena with the help of social representations and the scale developed will allow a possible intervention-prevention against this phenomenon and a reform of initial teacher training.



teacher dropout, teacher abandonment, social representations



Bonetto, E., & Lo Monaco, G. (2018). The fundamental needs underlying social representations. New Ideas in Psychology, 51, 40-43.


Carver, M. (2021). Survey methods to identify risk of attrition: Measures of career intention and regret. Education Sciences, 11(10), 617.


Hanna, F., Oostdam, R., Severiens, S. E., & Zijlstra, B. J. (2019). Domains of teacher identity: A review of quantitative measurement instruments. Educational Research Review, 27, 15-27.


Kirsch, R. (2007). L'abandon volontaire de la carrière chez des enseignants débutants du primaire et du secondaire au Québec. Montréal : Mémoire de Maîtrise de l’Université de Montréal.


Lo Monaco, G., Piermattéo, A., Rateau, P., & Tavani, J. L. (2017). Methods for studying the structure of social representations: A critical review and agenda for future research. Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour, 47(3), 306-331.


Moliner, P. (1993). Cinq questions à propos des représentations sociales. Cahiers internationaux de psychologie sociale, 20, 5-14.


Moliner, P., & Monaco, G. L. (2017). Méthodes d’association verbale pour les sciences humaines et sociales. Grenoble : Presses universitaires de Grenoble.


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