The Future of Education

Edition 14

Accepted Abstracts

Developing a Digital Hub for the Professional Development of Teachers and Trainers in Adult and Continuing Education

Sophie Hillerich, German Institute for Adult Education (DIE) (Germany)

Anne Strauch, German Institute for Adult Education (DIE) (Germany)


The TrainSpot2 project aims to develop a digital hub and to centralise contemporary, competence-based trainings for teachers and trainers in adult and continuing education. The project was implemented by a consortium of five stakeholders from academia and practice: The German Institute for Adult Education (DIE), the University of Tübingen, the Lübeck University of Applied Sciences, the RWTH Aachen University and the WBS Training AG.  The project goal is to contribute to cross-platform competence-based professional development of teachers in adult education. The project is developing an infrastructure that enables trainers to plan, design, and document their professional development, considering their individual educational biography. Through adaptive learning offerings, personalised training programs can be identified, and individual dynamic competence profiles can be created. This involves making the connected educational offers interoperable and further developing the connected platforms technically. Additionally, various features and tools are being developed, such as competence-based assessments and digital badges, to contribute to the dynamic evolution of individual competence profiles. All connected educational offers as well as the developed features and tools are based on the GRETA competence model (Lencer & Strauch, 2016; Alberti et al., 2022), which serves as a comprehensive reference model for the professional competence of teachers and trainers in adult and continuing education. The model encompasses the knowledge and skills required by teachers and trainers to effectively handle typical situations related to lesson planning, implementation, and follow-up. Currently, the core of the digital hub for the professional development of teachers in adult education consists of the educational offers from the consortium partners. In the future, the range of offerings can be expanded to include educational providers from the wider network. In perspective the aim is to foster cross-sector collaboration and incorporate offerings from other educational domains. Collaborations with partners in the field of the professional development of teachers in the school sector have already been established, highlighting the potential for further expansion and integration. In addition to the development work, research is planned on the mapping of educational offerings for teachers and trainers to the GRETA competence model and to assess the acceptance and usability of the developed features and tools.


professional development, train the trainer, competence-based teacher training, digital learning hub, adult and continuing education, interoperable learning resources


Alberti, V., Hillerich, S. & Strauch, A. (2022). GRETA – kompetent handeln in Training, Kurs & Seminar: Das GRETA-Kompetenzmodell 2.0. Deutsches Institut für Erwachsenenbildung.

Lencer, S. & Strauch, A. (2016). Ein Kompetenzmodell für Lehrende in der Erwachsenen- und Weiterbildung. Erste Ergebnisse aus dem Projekt GRETA. DIE Zeitschrift für Erwachsenenbildung, 23(4), 40-41.


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