Between Loneliness and Belonging
Dorli Rozenshtein, 'Krembo Wings' Social Educational Knowledge Center (Israel)
Claudia Koby, 'Krembo Wings' Social Educational Knowledge Center (Israel)
Meirav Zaiger-Kober, 'Krembo Wings' Social Educational Knowledge Center (Israel)
'Krembo Wings' is a national youth movement for children and adolescents both with and without disabilities which aims to promote shared inclusive activity that engenders a sense of belonging. The dilemma between loneliness and belonging has become amplified in the beginning of 2020 with the onset of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19), which was declared a global pandemic on March 2020 by the World Health Organization. The requirement for social distancing has directly affected informal education programs, with youth movements being forced to cease in-person activities. 'Krembo Wings' has chosen to develop and adjust its activity framework in line with new and constantly changing regulations. This paper presents the findings of research conducted during this complex period in 2020-2021. The research deals with investigating the quality of life and the participatory experiences of members with complex disabilities in the 'Krembo Wings' youth movement. The research examined members’ views as to their sense of belonging and its influence on their quality of life during COVID-19. The findings of the research show that consistent and permanent participation of members in the movement during these challenging times has strengthened their sense of being accepted and has lowered feelings of loneliness.
Keywords |
Youth, Special Needs, Belonging, Loneliness, Quality of Life. |
References |
Baumeister RF, Leary MR. The need to belong: desire for interpersonal attachments as a fundamental human motivation. Psychol Bull. 1995 May;117(3):497-529. PMID: 7777651. Chapman S.G, Schwartz J.P, Affiliation Need (2010). The Corsini Encyclopedia of Psychology – Wiley online library. Kluger, A.N. Nir, D. (2010) The feedforward interview. ScienceDirect, Volume 20, issue 3, 2010, Pages 235-246.