The Future of Education

Edition 15

Accepted Abstracts

Student’s Assessment of Digital Education in Economics at UNWE

Maria Markova, University of National and World Economy (Bulgaria)



The purpose of the present work is to present the results of studies conducted through surveys among the economics students of UNWE under the project 06 - 45/7 entitled "DIGITALIZATION". ON THE LEARNING PROCESS IN HIGHER EDUCATION - A MODEL FOR IDENTIFICATION AND MANAGEMENT", financed by the Scientific Research Fund (FSR).

The questions answered by economic students groups of speciality ‘’Intellectual property’’ and ‘’Creative industries and business’’ of UNWE are the following: advantages, disadvantages, overall assessment and academic suggestions.

The answers presented by students in Economics allow the following generalisations:

- advantages: accessibility from any geographical point; great convenience in implementation, receiving  by tutors lectures and training materials online;

- disadvantages: absence of collegial communication in an academic environment; impossibility of using educational literature on paper difficulty or impossibility to implement/ complete collective tasks, studies and other academic forms.

The general assessment of students in Economics /more than 70% of the surveyed students/ is a preference to a hybrid form, combining the advantages of both forms: on-site at a university and online. The recommendations they give are oriented in a direction into taking into account the individual interests and opportunities of the students, to realize a hybrid education in economics.

These results are presented in the final stage of project implementation.


Keywords: higher education, digtal education


1.Markova, M., The Company Digital Competitiveness Focused on Intellectual Property Rights–Concept, Assessment and Strategy“ Economic studies, BSA, 2022, issue N 3

2.Stoyanova, Tsv., Maria Markova., Researching digitalization of the education - a case study of Bulgarian universities, Entrepreneurship and Sustainability Issues, 2022, Vol10, No1

3. Markova, M., Digitally based education in UNWE - educational innovations protected as IP rights, FOE, 2023


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