Measuring the Perception of Pre-University Teachers Regarding Digital Pedagogical Skills
Liliana Mâță, Vasile Alecsandri University of Bacău (Romania)
The information society has opened new perspectives in the field of modern teaching-learning-assessment strategies and methods. Digital professional competence includes both the ability to integrate technologies for teaching purposes, as well as more general abilities that fit into other personal and professional contexts. From a pedagogical point of view, digital competence is a set of knowledge, skills and attitudes that is trained when the use of information and communication technologies and digital tools is required to solve problems, communicate, manage multiple information, create and distribute content informational, for professional purposes, related to free time, socializing, etc. (Ferrari, 2013). Two sets of competences related to the use of information and communication technologies by teachers are defined, which consist of technological competences and pedagogical competences (Almerich et al., 2016). The aim of the study is to identify the perception of pre-university teachers towards digital competences. 234 primary, secondary and high school teachers participated in the study. A questionnaire consisting of 22 closed-ended items was applied, adapted from Dias-Trindade and Moreira (2020). For the statistical interpretation of the data, ANOVA and the test for independent samples were used. The results indicate a positive perception of teachers towards digital skills. At the same time, it was found that there are significant differences in the perception of teachers, depending on the environment in which they teach, specialization, level of education and professional experience. Research into the use of information technology in education shows that many teachers are increasingly using the opportunities offered by digital resources and the online environment for an open society.
Keywords |
digital competences, preuniversity education, teachers |
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