Implementing a Special Education M.A. Program in “Vision for Learning” at the University of Dodoma, Tanzania – Process and Experiences
Gunvor Wilhelmsen, Western Norway University of Applied Sciences, Bergen (Norway)
Marion Felder, Koblenz University of Applied Sciences, Koblenz (Germany)
The international projects 'Securing Education for Children in Tanzania' (SecEd 2017-2021) and 'Learning is Visual' (LiV 2021-2024/extended to the end of July 2025) aimed to evaluate visual functions in children and adolescents in Tanzania, to test and evaluate pedagogical methods of support and to develop higher education programs and continuing education programs for special needs teachers. The goal is to secure knowledge and research in the area of vision.
The SecEd-project was financed by the Research Council of Norway/RCN and the Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation/NORAD is financing the LiV-project. Partners of the projects are the University of Dodoma, Patandi Teachers' College of Special Needs Education, Tanzania Institute of Education, Western Norway University of Applied Sciences, Bergen, Norway and Koblenz University of Applied Sciences, Koblenz, Germany. A critical aspect of the projects was the development of qualification through theory and practical training and support of educators and scientists in the field of vision education. The goal was to establish sustainability programs and curricula within Universities and teachers training programs for a long term impact on academic outcome and life quality of children with vision problems that affect learning.
As part of the LiV-project a M.A. program for teachers of the visually impaired was established at the University of Dodoma and Vision Specialists at Patandi developed in cooperation with Tanzania Institute of Education a new national curriculum for teachers of the visually impaired to promote visual skills among all children and young people. In addition, three post-doctoral students, three PhDs and 20 Master students have been trained. In November 2024, another 20 students began their master's degree training.
The researchers will focus on the challenges and possibilities when establishing and implementing the M.A. degree and the curriculum guide for teachers in Tanzania. The background, rational, theoretical foundations and future outlook will be described. The necessity of anchoring project activities at the University and government level for sustainable change will be discussed.
Keywords |
Higher education; visual impairments; Tanzania special education |
[1] CHRISTIN (2021). Securing Education for children in Tanzania. [2] CHRISTIN (2023). Learning is Visual. The LiV Project [3] Liv-project activities: |