The Future of Education

Edition 15

Accepted Abstracts

Leader's Legal Competense - A Contribution to Organizational Development int Preschools.

Morten Einar Edvardsen, Nord University Norway (Norway)

Atle Kristensen, Nord University Universitetsalléen 11 8026 Bodø (Norway)


This article is about how legal competence among kindergarten leaders can contribute to organizational learning.  The article is based on quality research methodology based on social constructionist perspectives (Kvale and Brinkmann 2009).  The data content is based on semi-structural interviews with four kindergarten leaders.  These four leaders are former students on a university program in legal competences for Leaders. Further on the article is influenced by an Abductive approach combining deductive and inductive methods to empower the deeper understanding of the Leader`s experiences (Postholm2010).  Leading change and organizational development is needed in Kindergartens to secure the needs of quality expected from government, authorities and parents (Mørreaunet, Gotvassli, Hoås Moen, & Skogen, 2021). The big issue is to secure change is happening and leading to new practices among the Kindergarten teachers (Jacobsen 2004).  Organizational development is all about the leaders and the teachers in kindergarten learning and developing new practices together (Skogen, Haugen, Lundestad &Waagan Slåtten 2007). This article shows that the leaders empower the quality of organizational development using legal competence.  The findings shows that they develop increasing confidence and competence in the prosess of being a student.  Futher on they also expressed that the felt more secure and cleare in their communication with the employees ( Hargreaves, Boyle & Harris 2014) . The findings show that all the leaders who participated in the study also found themselves more preventive and proactive due to dealing with addressing potensial challenges in an early stage.  The development of more structure and clarity through legal understanding seems to have led to more innovation and learning.  The leaders also explain that after the study they have a more documented and evidence-based approach when they lead organizational change due to challenges or expectations from steakholders.  They experience better dialogues both with external steakholders and employees (Boman & Deal2014).  As a total the article`s key findings finds that legal competence strengthened and empowered the Leadership Role.



  • Legal Competence
  • Organizational Learning
  • Kindergarten Leadership
  • Organizational Development
  • Leadership Confidence and Communication


Bolman, L. G., & Deal, T. E. (2014). Nytt perspektiv på organisasjon og ledelse. Gyldendal.

Hargreaves, A., Boyle, A., & Harris, A. (2014). Uplifting leadership. Jossey-Bass.

Kvale, S., & Brinkmann, S. (2009). Det kvalitative forskningsintervju (2. utg.). Gyldendal Akademisk.

Mørreaunet, S., Gotvassli, K.-Å., Hoås Moen, K., & Skogen, E. (2019). Ledelse av en lærende barnehage (2. utg.). Fagbokforlaget.

Postholm, M. B. (2010). Kvalitativ metode. Fagbokforlaget.

Skogen, E., Haugen, R., Lundestad, M., & Slåtten, M. V. (2007). Å være leder i barnehagen (2. oppl.). Fagbokforlaget.



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