Scientific Literature in STEM Teaching and Learning with Innnovative Curricular Lessons
Marina BA Minoli, Royal Society of Biology; Biologists Order Federation - STEM DidaInnovaBiolab, EU (United Kingdom)
The research path presented in this contribute refers to curricular training activities carried out over the years to motivate High School students to study STEM disciplines and to recover in an innovative way disciplinary deficiencies by involving them with active scientific reading strategies and guided activities. Starting from the international feedback that identifies in many students of middle and high schools little interest in reading scientific books also as an opportunity for human and cultural growth, different reading didactic paths with books written by scientists have been designed and created into the curricular lesson hours of some STEM disciplines. The teacher is involved in the choice of scientific books in relation to specific educational and cultural objectives within the hours of lessons, in the creation of specific innovative reading guided analysis, didactic itineraries in connection with scientific topics covered in class and with the specific recovery needs of individual students. The critical reading of different scientific books with reference to the key concepts presented by the teacher in the STEM lessons enhances the reasoning skills and the analytical thinking of the students. In the final phases of these STEM Education courses were also some planned moments of cooperative working to realize some digital re-elaboration, for some aspects with the help of an AI platform for guided processing of concept digital maps starting from key scientific concepts and words identified by the students in the books. The students were very involved and interested in the different phases of these reading works, activities useful also as a valid recovery alternative for students with initial disinterest or difficulty in studying the STEM disciplines. These STEM reading teaching and learning itineraries strengthened of both written and oral communication skills of students, competencies verified over time in carrying out other tasks.
Keywords |
Active Book Reading; Scientific Literature for STEM Education; Innovative STEM Curricular Lessons |
[1] Marina BA Minoli, “Evolution of Science Teaching”, Active Science - Turin University, 4/2015 [2] Marina BA Minoli, “Scientific Books in STEM Teaching ”, USR IFOM Science Centre Lombardy, Milan, 4/2004 [3] Alexander Hanna Licht et al, “Open Book of Educational Innovation”, European Schoolnet, Bruxelles, 11/2017 [4] Grant Bage, ‘’Lessons and lacunae? Practitioners suggestions for develiping research-rich teaching and learning: angles on innovatin and change”, Innovation in Education an Teaching International, pp 150-161, UK, 04 2018 |