The Perceived Usefulness of PPT as a Tool for Learning and Developing Self-directed Learning Skills
Claudia Marian, Cluj Napoca Technical University (Romania)
Self-determined learning is an adaptive response to the accelerated pace of informational, technological, social and economic change that the modern world is facing. It allows individuals to constantly update their knowledge and acquire relevant skills, without relying exclusively on formal educational systems. Self-determined learning can be considered a skill in itself, built educationally in parallel with the transmission of information in the formal education system. The present study aims to analyze a teaching tool, in this case ppt presentations, not only from the perspective of its usefulness for information acquisition, but also from the perspective of its formative valence for several dimensions of self-determined learning, as perceived by students in the university cycle of study. The analysis criteria are taken from the postulates of Ryan &Deci's (2001) self-determined learning theory, a control-value theory of achievement emotions (Pekrun, 1992) and Bandura's notion of self-efficacy. These analysis criteria were included in assessments based on Likert interval scales. The results obtained by the 200 evaluated subjects indicate a limited usefulness of ppt presentations in the teaching-learning process on learning contents and the nuanced effect it has on the analyzed dimensions of learning self-determination.
Keywords: self-determined learning , ppt learning tool, achievement emotions
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