Socio-cultural and Discoursive Aspects of Language Competencies in Learning Foreign Languages
Mokhira Eshanova, Graduate School of Business and Entreprenuership under the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan (Uzbekistan)
Transforming of teaching and learning process in Uzbekistan to the new phase is making it possible to research more effective ways of teaching and learning foreign languages, in particular to develop language competencies. This article focuses on various aspects of a foreign language learning in order to comprehend, interpret and use the target language efficiently in the right context. It emphasizes on how linguistic competencies are important concept in teaching and learning foreign languages. However, traditional English language teaching methodologies have been criticized for their lack of creativity, lack of focus on individual learners’ needs, and inability to develop communicative competence. As we are living in information era, there are some misunderstandings in decoding and perceiving the message as well as interpreting and analyzing it when it’s rendered in a foreign language for EFL learners. Any language has its own characteristics. On the one hand, this is expressed in the history of word formation in the language, and on the other, in the number of borrowed, outdated or new words. In addition, human speech includes both simple and complex expressions, a number of which are fixed in their composition and have strong connections among themselves. In this term, by learning a foreign language EFL learners confront not only the language itself but its history, culture, context, and individuality. In this study, metalanguage aspects of language learning process have been scrutinized to enable the process of learning a foreign language to become more accessible for both teachers and learners.
Keywords: Sociolinguistic competence, pragmatic competence, strategic competence, discourse, culture, hidden factors
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