Poverty in Schools: Challenges and Recommendations
Uğur Şeker, Ministry of Education, Turkey (Turkey)
Poverty is one of the most significant disadvantages individuals may face, as life presents different opportunities to each person. Regardless of their performance, certain assigned characteristics may hinder individuals from fully utilizing their potential. Poverty spans a broad spectrum, ranging from
extreme deprivation, where individuals lack access to essential survival needs, to relatively less severe forms. In educational settings, poverty can pose various challenges for students, limiting both the number of opportunities available to them and their likelihood of benefiting from these opportunities. Moreover, impoverished individuals may experience difficulties in demonstrating their abilities, suffer from low self-esteem, feel a sense of delay in life, lack access to artistic activities, and face social exclusion. They may also be at a higher risk of engaging in criminal activities, struggle with institutional trust, and be subjected to stereotypical judgments, often being labeled as lazy or irresponsible. Additionally, these kinds of discriminative behaviors can contribute to psychological distress, leading to stress, anxiety, and depression. To support disadvantaged individuals in realizing their potential within educational environments, several measures should be implemented. Collaborations should be established with organizations that assist in meeting basic needs, and free mental health services should be made available to impoverished individuals. Furthermore, efforts should be made to inform them about available support resources, and school campuses should be designed to include inclusive activities that all students can enjoy. Mental health professionals working within educational institutions have an ethical responsibility to adapt their professional competencies to effectively support individuals with lower levels of education and socioeconomic status.