The Future of Education

Edition 15


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Petra Hauptfeld

Institution: University of Applied Sciences Burgenland GmbH

Country: Austria

Petra Hauptfeld is professor at the University of Applied Sciences Burgenland in the Department of Business Studies with a special expertise in language teaching, academic writing, intercultural communication and organizational leadership.

Petra graduated in German Studies and Communication Sciences from the University of Salzburg (1989) and Vienna (2003). Since then she has been constantly working as a teacher for German as a foreign language, communication skills and personality development, intercultural communication and leadership.

Petra is an expert in international affairs and project management. She has been working abroad in Hungary, Belgium, the Czech Republic and the Ukraine as a teacher for German as a foreign language and intercultural communication. In this academic field she was involved in LEONARDO DA VINCI EU projects for the Vocational Training Institute in Vienna developing teaching courses and materials. She is still lecturing at partner Universities of the UAS Burgenland in several CEE countries in the area of language and communication skills.

Between 2004 and 2015 she has been coordinating several EU projects for the UAS Burgenland within the ERASMUS LIFELONG LEARNING program for the organization of mobility actions, the LEONARDO DA VINCI program for work placement grants and the CEEPUS program (Central European Exchange Program for University Studies) for student and teacher exchange and the development of Joint Degrees.

Petra is interested in new learning & teaching design, future teaching skills and the inverted classroom model. Currently she is coordinating the project AWO/Academic Writing Online within the framework of the ERASMUS+ KA2 Strategic Partnership program. The project develops an online course on academic writing in seven languages either for self-study or in combination with new teaching and learning designs.

For more than 20 years Petra has been training municipalities and companies especially for the Vocational Training Institute Vienna and the Institute for Economic Promotions of the Economic Chamber for Vienna in the area of communication skills, organizational leadership and personality development.

At the Department of Business Studies Petra is responsible for science communications & marketing. She initiated in 2013 the quarterly UAS Burgenland University Press, SCIENCE RESEARCH PANNONIA, was Head of the Editorial Board from 2013 to 2016 and edited by herself three volumes within these series. The recent publication MAGIC deals with intercultural communication gaps in projects and solution strategies. Currently she is producing short video clips presenting research projects carried out by the Department.

Areas of expertise: new learning design and e-learning, academic writing, science communication and marketing, intercultural communication, international cooperation, EU project management, organizational development

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