The Future of Education

Edition 15


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Susan OBrien

Institution: Smigin

Country: United States

Susan is Founder & CEO of Smigin, a language learning company with a unique focus on conversation skills. Having lived and worked in 8 countries, Susan realized that there was nothing on the market that helped users with simple, everyday conversation as most products focused heavily on grammar and structure. NYC based Smigin ( offers users a suite of products: an iOS/Android app for travelers and a browser based language learning product available in multiple languages. Smigin has users in over 175 countries.

Susan has held executive positions in both public and private companies in the USA and Europe. An experienced, action-oriented executive with proven track record of building brands that significantly elevate businesses and drive revenue, With 15 years of Sales & Marketing experience in over 30 countries globally Susan has an innate knowledge of global sales strategies.
Susan is also co-chair of the IIBN NY (

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