Mile Dželalija
Institution: University of Split, Faculty of Science
Country: Croatia

Professor Dr. Mile Dželalija is a professor of physics and the leader of the doctoral study in Biophysics at the University of Split. Most of his research he has done at the GSI in Darmstadt and CERN in Geneva. Besides teaching and research in physics, from an initial focus on higher education he has gradually expanded his focus to various areas of education policy. He has been participating in many international projects related to the modernisation of education in many countries. His fields of expertise and practical experience in education sector range from teaching, lifelong learning, quality assurance, qualifications frameworks, validation of non-formal and informal learning, recognition of foreign qualifications, up to transfer of innovation and development of related innovative entrepreneurship. He is a member or a leader of different national and international bodies, such as EQF Advisory Group of the European Commission (2006-2008 preparation of the EQF; 2008-2021), ESCO Cross-sectoral Reference Group (2013-2017), member of the National Correspondents for QF-EHEA (2006-2021), management and advisory boards in Croatia and other countries. He has extensive experience in preparation and management of a number of international research and education projects within various programmes, such as: EU Tempus programme, Unesco programme, EU IPA, UNDP, EU ESF, EU FP programmes, ETF, Council of Europe programme, Twinning projects, etc. He has published over 300 research articles in famous peer-reviewed international journals, and his articles have been cited over 50.000 times. He has been invited to international conferences all over the world.