Andreja Kovačić
Institution: University of Zagreb Faculty of Organization and Informatics
Country: Croatia

Andreja Kovačić is a senior lecturer at the University of Zagreb Faculty of Organization of Informatics, where she teaches university and vocational courses in Business English and English for Information Technology. She graduated from the Department of English Language and Literature and Spanish Language and Literature of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences of the University of Zagreb, Croatia, where she also earned her doctoral degree in Applied Linguistics. The topic of her doctoral thesis was the role of ICT (wikis and several other web 2.0 tools) and learner characteristics in the development of EFL grammatical knowledge.
Before becoming a tertiary lecturer in 2004, she worked in several private foreign language schools as a teacher of English and Spanish to different age groups at various levels. She also taught English courses to Czech students in the International English Language School in Plzen, Czech Republic. As part of her in-service training she completed a 10-week online course for EFL teachers provided by the English Language Institute of the University of Oregon. As a lecturer she also recently designed and delivered a short course on English as a Medium of Instruction for teachers at the Faculty of Organization and Informatics.
Her research has focused on the pedagogical use of web 2.0 tools in foreign language instruction, e-tivities design in ESP courses, L2 grammar competence development and the role of individual differences and L1 in foreign language acquisition. In 2007 with several colleagues from the Faculty of Organization and Informatics she started an online e-module entitled Engwiki as a supplementary module for several ESP courses she taught at the Faculty. Over five years about 30 different e-tivities were designed and evaluated via that platform. In 2008 her Engwiki team earned the international EUNIS Dørup E-Learning Award.
She has authored and co-authored about 30 research and professional papers, mainly on issues related to ESP and computer-assisted language learning, and has participated as a speaker in over 30 conferences in Croatia and abroad (HUPE, HDPL, Pixel, IATEFL, TESOL, EUNIS, EUROCALL).
Before becoming a tertiary lecturer in 2004, she worked in several private foreign language schools as a teacher of English and Spanish to different age groups at various levels. She also taught English courses to Czech students in the International English Language School in Plzen, Czech Republic. As part of her in-service training she completed a 10-week online course for EFL teachers provided by the English Language Institute of the University of Oregon. As a lecturer she also recently designed and delivered a short course on English as a Medium of Instruction for teachers at the Faculty of Organization and Informatics.
Her research has focused on the pedagogical use of web 2.0 tools in foreign language instruction, e-tivities design in ESP courses, L2 grammar competence development and the role of individual differences and L1 in foreign language acquisition. In 2007 with several colleagues from the Faculty of Organization and Informatics she started an online e-module entitled Engwiki as a supplementary module for several ESP courses she taught at the Faculty. Over five years about 30 different e-tivities were designed and evaluated via that platform. In 2008 her Engwiki team earned the international EUNIS Dørup E-Learning Award.
She has authored and co-authored about 30 research and professional papers, mainly on issues related to ESP and computer-assisted language learning, and has participated as a speaker in over 30 conferences in Croatia and abroad (HUPE, HDPL, Pixel, IATEFL, TESOL, EUNIS, EUROCALL).