The Future of Education

Edition 15


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Teresa Maria Sgaramella

Institution: University of Padova

Country: Italy

Teresa is Associate Professor at the Department of Philosophy, Sociology, Education and Applied Psychology, at the University of Padova. She teachers Developmental and Educational Psychology in the School of Human Sciences: Rehabilitation Counselling; Psychology of Disability, from identities to participation, in the School of Psychology.

Main activities in international research institutions: Board member and vice-president of the European Society for Research in Adult Development; Founding member of the NICE (Network for Innovation in Career Guidance in Europe) Foundation. She is member of the Special Interest Group on Inclusive Education of the International Association for the Scientific Study of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (IASSIDD).

She is currently involved in Several Erasmus+ Projects: “Socio-emotional Capacity Building in Primary Education – P.S. SMILE”. (, as Coordinator of the Italian Team, and “Connect! Connecting Counselling and Human Resource Development Enterprises for Higher Education and Training in Practice”. Recently she participated in project “Counselling for Refugee and Migrant Integration into the Labour Market – Development of Courses for Higher Education and Public Employment Services (CMinaR)”.

She is Member of the Board of the scientific journals: Emerging Adulthood, International Journal for Educational and Vocational Guidance. She has worked in organizational and scientific committees of several international conferences, in committees for the peer-reviewing of papers submitted in the field of education, disability, vocational counselling and guidance.

She coordinates the international GRES (Group for Research on Executive Skills) where a specific research line is devoted to the role of cognitive and emotional executive skills on learning in educational contexts.

Recent studies relevant for the area are: Inclusive development and life designing as career education goals: a program on Self and Social-Awareness, IAEVG 2019; Fostering Executive Skills and Future Orientation for inclusive future designing of individuals experiencing complex work-transitions, IAEVG 2019; Promoting a positive future designing: the preventive meaning of Executive Skills Trainings. ECP (2019); What inclusive educational community can do to enlarge future life designing: training teachers to knowing and modifying executive load in educational activities. JARID 2019; How to Train Teachers to be Effective Life‐design Agents of Change? In Mantak, Beamish, Solberg (Eds) in press 2020; Inclusion and participation of students with ID in higher education: a context based integrative approach, in JARID 2018; Serious games to support cognitive development in children with Cerebral Visual Impairment. Monet (Mobile Networks and Applications) 2018; Positive Youth Development in Preadolescence: Contribution of Recent Theoretical Paradigms and Positive, Strengths Base Interventions. IJFS 2015.

Areas of expertise: Cognitive and Social development in complex conditions, Future time perspective and future construction, Educational neuropsychology and life-long learning, Promotion of positive development in educational contexts, Positive Adult Development in transitions and challenges, Socio-emotional development and promotion in persons experiencing disability; context based career education

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