Alberto Zucconi
Institution: World University Consortium
Country: United States
Dr. Alberto Zucconi is the president of the Person Centered Approach Institute (IACP);
Secretary General, World University Consortium (WUC); Trustee, World Academy of Art and Science (WAAS).
Dr. Zucconi founded IACP in 1979 with Dr. Carl Rogers and Dr. Charles Devonshire. IACP is a Collaborating Centre of the World Health Organization (WHO) for Health Promotion at work in Italy and the Italian host institution for the SOLVE programs
(addressing psychosocial problems at work) of the International Labor Office (ILO).
Dr. Zucconi is a clinical psychologist psychotherapist, educator and an international trainer and consultant in organizational development, sustainable entrepreneurship and innovative higher education. Dr. Zucconi has been teaching for many years Client-Centered Psychotherapy and Health Promotion at the post graduate level at the University of Siena Italy. He is the originator of the International Research Project for the Effectiveness of Training in Psychotherapy.
Among his last books: Zucconi, A., Howell, P (2006) Health Promotion : Promoting Health with a person-centered approach. La Meridiana. Italy.
Zucconi, A. & Leka, S. & Jain, A. (2007). Supporting the older workforce. A guide for organizations. Institute of Work, Health & Organizations, University of Nottingham, Nottingham, U.K.
Zucconi, A. (a cura di) (2013). La Formazione in Psicoterapia. Roma, Alpes Edizioni.
Dr. Zucconi is the director of the journal Da persona a Persona, rivista di studi rogersiani Roma, Alpes Edizioni.
Alberto is consulting editor The Humanistic Psychologist, journal of the American Psychological Association Division 32: Society for Humanistic Psychology, a member of the editorial Board di Eruditio a Jornal of the World Academy of Art and Science (WAAS).
Alberto Zucconi and the Istituto dell’Approccio Centrato sulla Persona received in 2012 from the American Psychological Association Psychology, Division 32 the Charlotte and Karl Bühler Award for their outstanding and lasting contributions to Humanistic Psychology.
Secretary General, World University Consortium (WUC); Trustee, World Academy of Art and Science (WAAS).
Dr. Zucconi founded IACP in 1979 with Dr. Carl Rogers and Dr. Charles Devonshire. IACP is a Collaborating Centre of the World Health Organization (WHO) for Health Promotion at work in Italy and the Italian host institution for the SOLVE programs
(addressing psychosocial problems at work) of the International Labor Office (ILO).
Dr. Zucconi is a clinical psychologist psychotherapist, educator and an international trainer and consultant in organizational development, sustainable entrepreneurship and innovative higher education. Dr. Zucconi has been teaching for many years Client-Centered Psychotherapy and Health Promotion at the post graduate level at the University of Siena Italy. He is the originator of the International Research Project for the Effectiveness of Training in Psychotherapy.
Among his last books: Zucconi, A., Howell, P (2006) Health Promotion : Promoting Health with a person-centered approach. La Meridiana. Italy.
Zucconi, A. & Leka, S. & Jain, A. (2007). Supporting the older workforce. A guide for organizations. Institute of Work, Health & Organizations, University of Nottingham, Nottingham, U.K.
Zucconi, A. (a cura di) (2013). La Formazione in Psicoterapia. Roma, Alpes Edizioni.
Dr. Zucconi is the director of the journal Da persona a Persona, rivista di studi rogersiani Roma, Alpes Edizioni.
Alberto is consulting editor The Humanistic Psychologist, journal of the American Psychological Association Division 32: Society for Humanistic Psychology, a member of the editorial Board di Eruditio a Jornal of the World Academy of Art and Science (WAAS).
Alberto Zucconi and the Istituto dell’Approccio Centrato sulla Persona received in 2012 from the American Psychological Association Psychology, Division 32 the Charlotte and Karl Bühler Award for their outstanding and lasting contributions to Humanistic Psychology.