The Future of Education

Edition 15


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Ida Kruti

Institution: University College “Wisdom”

Country: Albania

Dr.Ida Kruti the Head of the Department of Psychology in University Collage“Wisdom „ and a lecturer of subject Learning Disorders and School Psychological Assessment
I am graduated in University of Tirana, Faculty of Foreign Languages, German-English. In 2007 I made a distance study in “Teaching German language in theory and practice”, Faculty of Foreign Languages Tirana, Goethe – Institute. For years I attended in trainings in Europe, like Teaching in German Language, Aristoteles – Institut, Bremen, Eurolingua 1,2,3 – Goethe Institute, Tirana
International Olympiad of German Language”, Goethe -Institute, Dresden – Germany, Didactical, tips and tricks in Teaching German” Ministry of Culture, Education and Science, Graz –Austria, Europakompetenz- Schleswig –Holstein, Lübeck. In 2012 I was gradueted Master Degree on Clinical Psychology. “Aggression and antisocial behavior among Adolescents” and 2016 PhD in Psychology.
Since 2001 I have been working as a German language teacher, translator and interpreter in the Austrian Project “Students help students”, Albania. Translator of the book in German “Students help students” ISN: 978-9928-07-266-5, Tirana, Albania.
I have participated and presented in national and international conferences, as I have published several articles in several scientific journals.

Areas of expertise: higher education, school education, adult education and language learning.

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