Maria Dervan
Institution: Mary Immaculate College
Country: Ireland

Maria Dervan
Masters in Special Education University of Limerick
PhD Candidate Mary Immaculate College, Limerick
Maria Dervan is a qualified primary school teacher and has experience working in mainstream , Special Education and special class teaching settings. She has worked as both an Advisor and an Associate with the Professional Development Service for Teachers (PDST) in Ireland since 2014. She completed a Masters in special education in Mary Immaculate College in 2015 and is a Lecturer in the Department of Educational Psychology, Inclusive and Special Education. She is currently undertaking a PhD within the department under the supervision of Dr. Margaret Egan and Professor Emer Ring. She has won many awards for her research to date including a bursary from the Irish National Teachers Organization to pursue the research. She has presented and had her research published nationally. She has a keen interest in language development, Autism Spectrum Difference (ASD), Inclusion and Special Education and using evidence-based practices in teaching which has been the focus of her research to date.
Masters in Special Education University of Limerick
PhD Candidate Mary Immaculate College, Limerick
Maria Dervan is a qualified primary school teacher and has experience working in mainstream , Special Education and special class teaching settings. She has worked as both an Advisor and an Associate with the Professional Development Service for Teachers (PDST) in Ireland since 2014. She completed a Masters in special education in Mary Immaculate College in 2015 and is a Lecturer in the Department of Educational Psychology, Inclusive and Special Education. She is currently undertaking a PhD within the department under the supervision of Dr. Margaret Egan and Professor Emer Ring. She has won many awards for her research to date including a bursary from the Irish National Teachers Organization to pursue the research. She has presented and had her research published nationally. She has a keen interest in language development, Autism Spectrum Difference (ASD), Inclusion and Special Education and using evidence-based practices in teaching which has been the focus of her research to date.