Nicola Catellani
Institution: Sweden Emilia Romagna Network (SERN)
Country: Italy

Nicola is the director of SERN, a network of Italian and Swedish local authorities coolaborating in several policy areas and to a large extent in the fielf of education.
He has a background in political science and he holds a PhD in International Relations form the London School of Economics and Political Science. He has published internationally on EU affairs and in particular EU's neighbourhood policyt. More recently he has co-edited a volume on the the theme of Creativity in Early Childhood Ecuation and Care as well as other publications in the field of organisational capacity building.
He has a background in political science and he holds a PhD in International Relations form the London School of Economics and Political Science. He has published internationally on EU affairs and in particular EU's neighbourhood policyt. More recently he has co-edited a volume on the the theme of Creativity in Early Childhood Ecuation and Care as well as other publications in the field of organisational capacity building.