The Future of Education

Edition 15


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René Wellen

Institution: Supreme College Nederland

Country: The Netherlands

René Wellen is Supreme College’s founding director.

René graduated in English literature in 1989 after having obtained a teacher’s degree in English language in 1985. Since 1985 René has worked at three large Dutch secondary schools in different positions among which head of grammar school, vice-principal and head of bilingual education, before setting up Supreme College Nederland in 2020.

René’s expertise is primarily (but not limited to) modernizing education. In his management functions he has been responsible for education in general and, therefore, he has always remained a teacher for at least one class besides his management work. Among the innovations that René has implemented are: introducing a new comprehensive curriculum in 1999, bilingual education for Dutch vwo (pre-university education) in 2004, bilingual education for all departments in 2011, a new approach to education in 2017 (JPTeaching at Jac. P. Thijsse College, the Netherlands).
Because of his work in the field of bilingual education, René has worked with schools all over the world to implement all kinds of partnerships and exchange projects. Hence his network spreads from China to the Gambia, from Europe to the US. He has been responsible for several Erasmus+ projects with a wide variety of schools across Europe.

His wide experience with innovative education and the realization that young people who live in our age need a different approach to learning have caused René to take the initiative for a new concept in education: Supreme College Nederland.

Areas of expertise: secondary education, innovational education and management, international project planning and management, language learning, formative assessment and evaluation.

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