Blogging in Education: Primary and Secondary Educators-Administrators’ Views
Evanthia Mitintzi, Aristotle University Thessaloniki (Greece)
Blog is one of the Web. 2 tools which makes it possible to interact, collaborate and share material. Its use in the field of education can contribute to various aspects of the educational process. This research aims at the empirical approach of the educational blog. In particular, it detects ways of managing and exploiting the educational blog by primary and secondary school administrators-educators. Their observations from the use of the blog in their teaching and their views on its effectiveness as an educational tool are also sought. Among these views there are educators’ opinions about blogs impact on students’ language use capacity. The method used was field survey and data collection was done by sending, completing and submitting an electronic questionnaire. 338 educators from all over Greece, serving at primary or secondary schools, public or private answered the questionnaire. They concluded that blogging is an effective educational tool, that can enrich the educational process, help students’ learning and understanding, improve personal relations, communication and collaboration, and affect students’ language use capacity.
Keywords: educational blog, educational technology, ICT, field survey