All accepted papers will be included in the Conference Proceedings e-book. The publication entitled Conference Proceedings. Innovation in Language Learning 2025 will be published with the following codes by the Italian publisher Filodiritto Editore:
- ISBN code
- ISSN codes (2420-9732)
- DOI (Digital Object Identifier) code
This publication will be sent to be reviewed for inclusion in Web of Science and SCOPUS.
This publication will be indexed in:
- Academia.edu
- Google Scholar
The accepted papers will be published on the Conference Proceedings Database available on the Conference web site. The Conference Proceedings are in compliance with our Publication Ethics and Malpractice Statement.
Click on the following button to access the papers presented in the previous editions.
Click on the following links to buy the conference proceedings of the previous editions:
- 17th edition of the Innovation in Language Learning Conference
- 16th edition of the Innovation in Language Learning Conference
- 15th edition of the Innovation in Language Learning Conference
- 14th edition of the Innovation in Language Learning Conference
- 13th edition of the Innovation in Language Learning Conference
- 12th edition of the Innovation in Language Learning Conference
- 11th edition of the Innovation in Language Learning Conference
- 10th edition of the ICT for Language Learning Conference
- 9th edition of the ICT for Language Learning Conference
- 8th edition of the ICT for Language Learning Conference
- 7th edition of the ICT for Language Learning Conference
- 6th edition of the ICT for Language Learning Conference
- 4th edition of the ICT for Language Learning Conference
- 3rd edition of the ICT for Language Learning Conference