Innovation in Language Learning

Edition 17

Accepted Abstracts

Communication and Emotion in Mediation and Skills Integration in Language Teaching Process

Maria Mihaela Barbieru, Università degli Studi di Verona (Italy)


Using a multi-method research strategy - oriented on the role of communication, of  emotion and of skills integration - including a qualitative and quantitative approach, case studies and model building, the results lead to affirm that communication and emotion, especially in an intercultural context, may become sources of misunderstandings, of conflict.

Specific literature, parallel analysis allowed to discover that whether both factors are properly managed and regulated, communication and emotion may become the keys to resolve those conflicts or those misunderstandings.

This is the reason why the approach to resolve conflicts has a name well known: it’s called intercultural mediation.

In line with the research results, skills to prevent and manage such conflicts have been individuated. Such skills are named intercultural skills within the intercultural domain and integrating skills when it comes to teaching and learning processes. In accordance with the research results, the interculturalist/teacher knows how to « manufacture » and make adequate use of “2 heads and 2 hearts!” Intercultural skills facilitate teachers to develop and adequately master their abilities in conducting effective communication and constructive dialogues with language learners, to cope with their potential negative emotions and solve misunderstandings and conflicts.

Long and authentic intercultural relationships could not exist if the main tool of the relationship - which is the communication - would not exist.

As such, the communication process implies 2 aspects: to know how to express our own needs, taking into consideration the others and to be able to listen the needs the others may express.

Although such expression of needs involves an emotion. As such, whether it is positive, emotion engages dialogue but whether it is negative, emotion may generate conflicts or misunderstandings.

It goes the same for communication: whether it is effective, then communication commits to engage dialogue. But whether it is ineffective, communication may be the origin of the conflict.

Teaching language is a complex and longue process. Whether teachers have the intention to make this process effective and simple, skills integration – and speaking/communicating is one of - is an advisable way of teaching language.

Integrating language skills facilitate language learners to develop their ability in using their skills within real context (social-linguistic context) as well as in their day by day life. All the language skills are vital in teaching and learning processes and combination of the language skills has positive effects on learners’ achievement.

Intercultural skills and skills integration are the successful keys within the mediation and language teaching processes.


communication, emotion, conflict, mediation, language integration


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