Innovation in Language Learning

Edition 17

Accepted Abstracts

From Need Analysis to Model Development: Using Process-Genre Approach in Teaching Article Writings to EFL Students

Dr. Refnaldi, Universitas Negeri Padang (Indonesia)


A good learning model is the one developed based on the analysis of learning needs and feasibility. There are many models materials for teaching article writing proposed by the instructional designers but it is not a guarantee that those models are suitable with the characteristics of the students. This article discusses the process-genre model for teaching article writing based students’ needs. This was a research and development study conducted at State University of Padang, Indonesia. The data of the study were obtained from students’ responses on the questionnaires regarding the students’ needs on learning article writing. The results of the study show that (1) there are some explanation and examples that should be considered as the input in teaching and learning process, (2) students need deep understandings of every part of the article, (3) students need to learn different topics of article writing so that they can enrich their world knowledge, and (4) students need the appropriate tasks/activities that directly help improve their knowledge and skills in developing the (research) articles. The appropriate model for teaching article writings based on the result of need analysis consists of syllabus, stages in teaching and learning process, and learning materials. Thus the appropriate need analysis can be used effectively in developing a process-genre model for teaching article writing.

Keywords: Article writing, Model Development, Need Analysis, Process-Genre Approach

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