Innovation in Language Learning

Edition 17

Accepted Abstracts

English Language in Higher Education in Algeria: Opportunities and Challenges

Sofiane Bensadi, University Of Science And Technology Houari Boumediene (Algeria)


The modernization and internationalization of higher education globally necessitate a significant linguistic approach to enhance communication, visibility, and access to various resources, especially in the realm of scientific research. Algeria has initiated efforts to transform its universities in this context, transitioning from traditional instruction in Arabic and French languages to a more contemporary approach by adopting English as the language of instruction. While this shift offers substantial benefits, it also presents substantial challenges for all higher education stakeholders. The introduction of English as the language of teaching and research in Algerian higher education aims to enhance international competitiveness and attract international students. Academics can access the latest research developments, publish their work globally, and facilitate international collaboration, ultimately improving the performance of Algerian higher education institutions at all levels. Despite the significant support from Algerian public authorities for university teachers, the adoption of English language teaching poses substantial challenges. These challenges primarily stem from teachers' limited proficiency in English. Adapting teaching materials and curricula to an English-speaking context represents a major hurdle, necessitating comprehensive English language training for effective communication. Furthermore, the shortage of qualified English trainers exacerbates the challenges faced by teachers in delivering quality education. Students also encounter numerous challenges during the transition to English as the language of instruction, despite some improvement in their English proficiency through social media. The abrupt shift from French or Arabic to English requires a substantial adjustment in their learning methods. Consequently, ongoing language support and access to appropriate resources are essential to ensure their success in their academic career.



 English Language, Algerian Universities, student, academic.



[1] Ministry of higher education and scientific research (




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