Diploma Students’ Perceptions Regarding the Effectiveness of Using an English-Speaking Practice Application on Their Primary Skills
Shatha Alkhalaf, Department of English and Translation, College of Sciences and Arts, Qassim University (Saudi Arabia)
This research study focuses on the perceptions of diploma students regarding the effectiveness of an English-speaking practice application in improving their primary skills, particularly their speaking skills.
The study aims to investigate the impact of the English Speaking Practice App on EFL learners' speaking skills and explore their perceptions of its effectiveness. The study employed a convenience sampling method, with 44 diploma students from Qassim University in Saudi Arabia participating in the
research. The participants were required to have access to a smartphone or tablet device. A survey questionnaire consisting of 36 items based on a Likert scale was used to collect data on the participants' perceptions of the app's effectiveness, usability, impact on motivation, and future intentions to use it. The findings of the study indicate that a majority of the participants had a positive perception of the English Speaking Practice App, with 76% reporting that it helped them improve their speaking skills. The study also revealed a significant positive correlation between the frequency of app
usage and improvement in speaking skills. These results suggest that the app can be an effective tool for enhancing speaking skills among EFL learners, supporting previous research on the effectiveness of technology in language learning. The findings highlight the potential benefits of technology-enhanced language learning and endorse the Desuggestopedia teaching method's emphasis on creating a relaxed learning environment. The study's implications extend to language teachers and learners, suggesting that technology-based language learning tools can enhance the
language learning experience and facilitate skill development.
Keywords: English as a Foreign Language (EFL), Speaking, Technology
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