Blended Teaching and Learning in a Foreign Language Course
Maria Silvana Fanalista, Theia Moira Ltd (Malta)
In the vast panorama of glottodidactics, methodological innovation and technological integration take on an increasingly central role, redefining the traditional spaces of learning and teaching, and modelling new pedagogical paradigms. This work fits into this context, with the aim of showing how a Blended Learning course can be successfully applied in foreign language and culture courses. The first part of the work illustrates the theoretical and methodological principles of glottodidactics linked to technology and analyses the context of the application of Blended Learning in the foreign language course. The second section, of an applicative nature, begins with practical analyses of the elements for the design and development of a Blended Language Learning course, investigating the operational aspects of teaching Italian as a foreign language. Specifically, a concrete case of BLL is analysed (through questionnaires, interviews and surveys) to introduce and investigate the needs and strategies regarding the decision-making process of the stakeholders involved in the course design. Furthermore, oral production and interaction in online synchronous sessions are analysed by applying the Action Research method. Following the reflections and analyses derived from the mentioned research results, the information obtained is channelled to develop a learning unit in BLL mode. Starting, in fact, from the analysis to design and identification of the most significant activities for the BLL pathway, we arrive at presenting a BLL learning unit in the flipped classroom variant, coherent and balanced in the two teaching components with integrated and complementary activities.
Keywords |
Blended Language Learning, Action Research, Online teaching, Flipped classroom |
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