Innovation in Language Learning

Edition 17

Accepted Abstracts

Facilitating the Reading Comprehension of Bi-Plurilingual Learners. What Are the Links Between Learners' Sociolinguistic Profiles and their Literacy Skills?

Kostanca Çuko, University of Teacher Education, Fribourg (Switzerland)


When we talk about developing reading comprehension, we can't ignore the sociolinguistic context in which our students evolve. “Reading in any language is still reading ... but learning to read in a second language is not learning to read in a first language” (Chomentowski, 2021, p. 280-281). Learning to read
in French as a first language is therefore not the same as learning to read in French as a second language. It relies on cognitive, linguistic and metalinguistic mechanisms that combine phonological, morphological and orthographic processes from the student's entire linguistic capital (Sénéchal & Kearnan 2007). In this project, we investigated the possible link between the sociolinguistic profiles, morphological knowledge and reading comprehension skills of plurilingual pupils attending the 4th primary class in the canton of Fribourg, Switzerland. In the perspective of the results obtained, we will
also propose some didactic avenues and language teaching strategies for taking into account learners' language capital in the development of literacy skills, particularly morphological knowledge and reading comprehension in plurilingual primary school.
Keywords: bi-plurilingual, sociolinguistic profiles, literacy skills
[1] Chomentowski, M. (2021). Apprendre à lire en langue seconde. Dans Bentoli A. (dir.) et Germain B.(dir.) 2021, L’apprentissage de la lecture (p. 279-283). Nathan
[2] Sénéchal, M. & Kearnan, K. (2007). The role of morphology in reading and spelling. Advances in child development and behavior, 35, 297-326.


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