Effectiveness of Using Mobile School Applications to Increase Teachers Motivation and Creativity in the Blended Learning Era
Nur Fajriah Muchlis, Universitas Negeri Malang; Universitas Semlbilanbelas November Kolaka (Indonesia)
Delivery of teaching materials using information technology is very important in the learning process. The current student learning and assessment process must be connected to technological devices such as computers, laptops or smartphones. The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic in recent years has meant that the education system is running differently than usual. The policy to study from home commonly known as online-based learning, was implemented until, when the pandemic had subsided, the blended learning method was implemented.
Learning material is teaching material that is prepared systematically and used by teachers and students in learning process activities. Especially in the current blended learning conditions, innovation and creativity in delivering material are needed to maintain students' interest in receiving knowledge from the teacher.
In this online learning process, most teachers still provide material using conventional methods such as giving demonstrations (in Sports Education subjects), using PowerPoint, or reading the material directly. This condition is based on the teacher's ability to utilize interactive learning media, which needs improvement due to limited mastery of information technology. This results in students experiencing boredom in receiving teaching material.
To overcome this problem, researchers designed mentoring activities for programs to increase teacher creativity and innovation in several schools in Kendari by creating teaching materials and using the Mobile School application to interact with students in the learning process. The form of activity is assistance in developing interactive teaching materials in HTML5, .exe and .apk formats using Smart Apps Creator (SAC) software, as well as utilizing the Mobile School Application using AppSheet to access various learning support features, assessment and monitoring of student activity during blended learning.
The method used in this research is RAD (Rapid Application Development) model, which is an incremental software development process, especially for short processing times. The RAD model is an adaptation of the high-speed waterfall model for the development of each software component.
Keywords : Mobile School Application, Blended Learning, RAD
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